Friday, February 02, 2007

super what?

Oh yeah, there's a big football game this weekend. What is everybody doing for that?

Went to a reading last night - celebrating galway kinnell's 80th birthday. Bunch of great poets read a bunch of his poetry, and then it wrapped up with kinnell himself reading a few - as frank said, it was one of those nights when if sombody blew up cooper union it would decimate contemporary american poetry. Unfortunately, frank couldn't make it last night, for a super-unfortunate reason: amanda's grandmother died this week. She had been pretty ill for a while, and hadn't been expected to live into the new year, but it was still a shock and a very very sad turn of events.

This may not be the best eulogy, but i think galway would approve:


On the tidal mud, just before sunset,
dozens of starfishes
were creeping. It was
as though the mud were a sky
and enormous, imperfect stars
moved across it as slowly
as the actual stars cross heaven.
All at once they stopped,
and, as if they had simply
increased their receptivity
to gravity, they sank down
into the mud, faded down
into it and lay still, and by the time
pink of sunset broke across them
they were as invisible
as the true stars at daybreak.

And oatmeal is probably too long for putting in a blog, and certainly not an epitaph, but it was one of the highlights of the night.

Tonight is J.P.'s birthday party in astoria - happy happy, bro!


Solara said...

I LOVE that poem! Thanks for sharing! Very jealous you got to go to the reading ;)

Good luck on your auditions!!

mick said...

Glad you liked it! And the reading really was uncommonly good.

Thanks for the well wishes! From your mouth to god's ears, as they say...