Sunday, December 05, 2010

Arts (Non) Profiteers

I guess that this viddy has been sweeping the internets in a wildfire-like rage. Have a view:

So you think you can non-profit? Be ready for lots of conversations like this. Lots.

You don't help sick African Children? That sounds like bad business practice. You should contact Gatorade.

This video comes via the good people at xtranormal. I think they're good. Or anyway, I haven't seen any evidence to the contrary yet. And I haven't used their service, but my understanding of it is that you go to their site once you've set up an account, pick character icons and a background, and input dialogue that you've composed (no fair putting in the "Are you talking to me?" monologue) and it will generate an animated scene. Pretty nifty.

There are some really good ones out there, including this one that struck a particular nerve for me in it's spot-on account of the ever-so-useful You should be on Broadway "advice."

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