Monday, August 20, 2012

Farm Share City

Our friends Les and Megan were out of town last week, and they offered us their weekly share in the CSA (which stands for Community Supported -sometimes 'Shared'- Agriculture. I know. I looked it up.) they belong to.

"Would you like to go to a building that's not really even out of your way and fill a bag with food that was picked out of the ground/plucked from a tree within the last day or two?"

"Why, yes. Yes we would."

One fairly obvious result of this is that there has been more than the usual amount of cooking going on around here this week.  So let's open with a photo of the braised baby carrots and kale chips that went farm to table via 9th avenue on Tuesday (accompanying an egg & pecorino sandwich on gluten free english muffin), then we'll go to the story of where shrimp tacos come from.

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