Wednesday, January 10, 2007

linguine + martini

What was for dinner last night - didn't even think about the rhyme, thanks for pointing it out, sherin. Much fun!

Check this out: jqln

It may be the raddest blog i've seen. If i grow up to be as smart as jqln, i'll be downright dangerous...


jqln said...

jeez, what's up with the compliment? *blush*

mick said...

Aw hell, that ain't no thang.

Thanks for coming out the other night, and for the snowflake/haiku offering. And thanks to your friend for the info that audacity is open source - it'll take me a while of playing around to figure out all the features, but at first glance it looks like i'll get some good use out of it.

Let's catch a show soon.